(570) 473-3563 Northumberland, PA

Flood Insurance Quote - Northumberland, PA

Great Rates! Monthly Payments Available



Your Homeowner Policy Does Not Cover Flooding

Did you know most property insurance doesn't cover flooding? The federal government runs the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which issues flood insurance policies. Even if you have homeowners, renters, condo, landlord, mobile home or business insurance, you may need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy to be protected from flood damage. Get a flood insurance quote from our agency today!

The Benefits Of Flood Insurance.

Though the government determines flood insurance coverage and premiums, you can still purchase your flood policy through our agency—even if you don't have an existing property policy with us. So why choose us for flood insurance? Because it gives you access to invaluable features and benefits, like:

  • 24/7 nationwide claims support and assistance
  • A dedicated agent who can help you understand your flood coverage
  • Assistance finding discounts to help you maximize your savings

Fast Facts About Claims And Coverage

Understanding your flood risk and what flood insurance typically protects can help you choose coverage that meets your needs. Here are some facts you should know:

  • The average flood loss is $38,000.
  • Nearly 25 percent of all flood insurance claims come from areas not considered high risk.
  • There is a waiting period before your flood insurance policy goes into effect, typically 30 days from the application and premium payment date.
  • If flood insurance is required for your mortgage loan, you may not have to wait 30 days. Usually, the loan closing date will be the effective date.
  • Flood insurance can help protect you even if a federal disaster isn't declared.
  • Less than 50 percent of all flooding incidents are awarded a Federal Disaster Assistance declaration, and most disaster assistance is provided in the form of a loan that must be repaid with interest

Protect Against Other Types Of Water Damage.

Most flood insurance policies and basic property insurance policies do not cover water backup damage. This type of damage is typically caused by water that overflows from a sump pump or backs up through sewers or drains.

Contact us about the benefits of adding water backup coverage to your property policy.

Let Keystone-Pfeiffer-Naginey Insurance help you choose a policy that will fit your individual needs. Protecting your assets, whether personal, business, or both, is our goal.  A well-chosen policy can lessen the impact of some of life’s most common, yet unforeseen perils.  We’re here to help when you are considering Flood Insurance.